"The modern industry, based around...fashion houses run by individual designers, started in the 19th century with Charles Frederick Worth who, beginning in 1858, was the first designer to have his label sewn into the garments he created"
- Wikipedia
Commissions - Life Sized and Miniature Garments
The House of Embroidered Paper is interested in producing fine art pieces - garments and accessories - that are reflective of particular historical periods, personal stories and/or designs from nature;
for example bird and botanic imagery.
Garments are produced life-sized, half and quarter life-sized and in miniature.
Life-sized garments take a minimum of 2.5 months to make but lead times will vary according to the exhibition and commission schedule of The House of Embroidered Paper. Prices start from £5000.
Miniature garments take a minimum of 3 weeks to make but lead times will vary. Prices start from £1500.
All commissions are priced on application.
This piece reflects: Victorian dress - the residents of the historic mansion Danny House, East Sussex